Another dream people commonly have is dreams about sex, but what do sex dreams mean exactly?
Sometimes people wake up after sex dreams and remember them vividly, while other times people only remember them after seeing the person in the dream, whether it be a colleague at work or someone else.
Whoever the sex dreams are about, one thing that we can all agree on is that oftentimes it is with someone who we would never even consider in that way.
The Sex Dream Meaning Is Symbolic
While I'm sure some people would love to know how to have dreams about sex with someone they are attracted to, whether it be someone they know or a celebrity for example, the truth is we can actually sometimes be quite horrified by who we have sex with in a dream and the reason for this is that the dream is symbolic!
Sometimes if a person has a high sex drive which is not being satisfied then this can cause them to have dreams about sex, however the key thing to the dream is who you are having sex with as that is the symbolic part of the dream.
If you have a sex dream with your sole-mate for example then this can be a metaphor for a perfect union of the two people. However, if you have sex dreams involving someone else, whether it be someone you like or not, then it is the characteristics of the person that is important in the analysis of the dream.
Analyzing Your Dreams About Sex
So when it comes to analyzing your dreams about sex, you want to think about what the person you had sex with in the dream represents to you. So start off by asking yourself the following two questions:
- 1. What is the personality or approach to life of this person?
- 2. Was the sexual experience in the dream pleasurable or not?
So if a sex dream features someone that is caring and easygoing for example and the sexual experience during the dream was a pleasurable one, then this can suggest that you are embracing these characteristics in your life and they are qualities that you value. So the dream is a metaphor for your integration of these qualities into your life.
If the sexual experience in the dream is not pleasurable then you again start off by thinking about the characteristics of the person, for example they may be dishonest or spiteful, then think about where in the past few days in your life that you displayed these characteristics or took them on board. So in this case the dream is highlighting your disapproval or dislike of these characteristics or behavior.
So dreams about sex can actually help you to uncover what you are integrating into your life and whether it is a good thing or not. So next time you have sex dreams, just remember that it doesn't necessarily reflect true waking life sexual feelings towards the person in the dream!
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