Much has been written in history about great events being foretold by precognitive dreams. A gift for prophetic dreams can give the dreamer the power to avoid huge pitfalls in life or prepare for upcoming challenges.
Symbolic vs. Precognitive Dreaming
It is important to remember that most dreams contain symbolic content, which means that the events in the dream are not based on real life, now or in the future. This includes the vast majority of dreams.
A smaller percentage of dreams can be considered to be truly precognitive dreams in which future events are dreamed about before the event takes place. These dreams are rare, but can be profound, exciting, and even frightening.
What is a Precognitive Dream?
When we drift off to sleep, the logical side of our brain shuts down. At the same time, our senses are wide open and continue to take in sensory input from outside. Those who are particularly sensitive, even telepathic, can often pick up on sensory information that gives them clues about an event that is about to occur.
Most precognitive dreaming does not result in a perfectly accurate picture of things to come, but often involves a dream in which there is a marked diversion where the dreamer has tuned in to a new wavelength of sensory data. Even prophetic dreams are often very symbolic in nature, so it is always important to remember that precognitive dream content is unlikely to be literal.
Who Has Prophetic Dreams?
Anyone is capable of having precognitive dreams, but some do so more than others. There are several factors that affect whether an individual will have a prophetic dream or not. The very sensitive and intuitive are often those who have prophetic dreams. These individuals pick up on sensory input that most people experience as noise or psychic clutter. Some might call these individuals telepathic, though it may be simpler to understand them as highly attuned.
Culture plays an important role in determining whether someone is prone to precognitive dreaming or not. Those raised in families or societies that believe in prophetic dreams are more likely to allow themselves to have the experience, or to acknowledge it when it does happen. Those who are raised in environments in which precognitive dreams are considered fantasy might not even take heed of a dream which feels prophetic, because they have been taught that such things are not possible.
Whether you believe in them or not, records of precognitive dreams date back to early history and they play a role in many major myths and legends.
Analyzing Your Precognitive Dreams
If you think you may have had a prophetic dream, ask yourself the following questions:
- Did this dream have a different feeling-quality than most of your other dreams?
- Did you wake up with a sense of foreboding or a need to act?
- Did your dream content provide any clues to who or what might be involved in the events to come?
- Is there a way to verify in waking life whether the events of your dream were accurate?
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